Neal Weiner gave a nice pedagogical lunch talk setting up the problems with the standard model. He is doing two lunch talks; the first (today) was the standard model, and the second will be "beyond" the standard model.
In other news, Weiner and I are taking on graduate-student-style projects from each other. Weiner is going to find statistically anomalous galaxy groups in Berlind's group catalog, and I am going to work out some cosmological implications of direct dark-matter searches in the context of a few specific dark matter models. More as these projects get underway.
Phil Marshall (SLAC) is in town for 30 hours or so. We discussed, worked out simplifications of, and planned a pair coding session on a version/modification of the Hough transform that might be used to automatically detect gravitational lenses in massive data sets. Tomorrow we code.
Tommorow we code. Today, we die!