
USNO-B and 2MASS, embargoed correlations

Barron and I continued a multi-day conversation about how to use the 2MASS Catalog to verify and analyze our false negative rate on our work on removing spurious sources from the USNO-B Catalog. It is not trivial, because many of the spurious sources are very close to non-spurious sources, which often match at 2MASS entry.

Gruzinov, Berlind (visiting from Vanderbilt), and I spent some time discussing how to use statistical correlations to associate sources across very disparate bandpasses. I would say more, but the result in question is under embargo. I don't like it when the private journals and collaborations embargo results. Aren't we all scientists, living in a world of ideas? Who ever benefited from a scientific embargo? I bet it wasn't a scientist!

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