
the limits of wobble

The day was pretty-much lost to non-research in the form of project management tasks and refereeing and hiring and related. But I did get in a good conversation with Bedell (Flatiron) with Luger (Flatiron) and Foreman-Mackey (Flatiron) about the hyper-parameter optimization in our new wobble code. It requires some hand-holding, and if Bedell is going to “run on everything” as she intends to this month, it needs to be very robust and hands-free. We discussed for a bit and decided that she should just set the hyper-parameters to values we know are pretty reasonable right now and just run on everything, and we should only reconsider this question after we have a bunch of cases in hand to look at and understand. All this relates to the point that although we know that wobble works incredibly well on the data we have run it on, we don't currently know its limits in terms of signal-to-noise, number of epochs, phase coverage in the barycentric year, and stellar temperature.

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