
binary stars in APOGEE

Adrian Price-Whelan (Flatiron) has a draft of a paper I'm pretty excited about: It is running The Joker, our custom sampler for the Kepler two-body problem, on every star (that meets some criteria) in the APOGEE DR16 sample. This method treats binary-companion discovery and binary-companion orbit characterization as the same thing (in the spirit of things I have done in exoplanet discovery and characterization). We find and characterize confidently 20,000 binaries across the H–R diagram with lots of variations of binary fraction with temperature, logg, and luminosity. And we release samplings for everything, even the things that don't obviously have companions. Well it doesn't count as research if I'm merely excited about a paper! But I did do a tiny bit of writing in the paper, making it my first research day in a while. Yesterday I tweeted this figure from the manuscript.

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