
prism spectra

Spent time with Burles looking through prism spectra taken as part of the PRIMUS project. Most of the spectra look nothing like what a spectroscopist is used to looking at, since the dispersion is totally non-linear, and we are (deliberately) not dividing out the system sensitivity (we are doing all fitting/modeling in the observed frame, so we multiply the models, not divide the data; there is a difference). But we found a few clear broad-lined quasars, one of which turned out to be a z=1.6 quasar with double-peaked emission lines incorrectly given a lower redshift in the DEEP2 redshift survey. Apparently PRIMUS is finding lots of redshift errors in the various large surveys, including DEEP2, VVDS, and COMBO-17. Not to worry, though, the vast majority of published redshifts are correct! We formulated a dumb project for me: Find all the SNe among the 18,000 or so extant PRIMUS spectra. I'm on it!

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