
the magnitude system: go big or go home

I spent some time on the weekend and today writing in my various writing projects. Actually, I am obliged to do this: I have a two-paragraph-per-day New Year's resolution. One thing I am (stupidly) writing is a note about how apparent magnitudes work, in order to (ultimately) explain the bolometric correction to physicists. This latter concept is confusing because when you measure through a limited band, you don't see the whole stellar spectrum, and yet the bolometric correction can be positive or negative or zero. Today as I was writing in this document, I realized that I have to do it all: Absolute magnitudes, distance moduli, color excesses, and so on, if I am going to reach my intended audience. I expanded the outline of the paper and I feel good about where it's going. That said, shouldn't I be doing research?

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