I did some writing in three places: I worked on my Roweis reminiscence; I put together a straw man proposal for taking Bayesian exoplanet analysis to meta-analysis, with hyper-priors and simultaneous fitting of all planets; and I wrote an email to the SDSS-III BOSS collaboration about fiber-mapping (the determination of which fiber on the slit-head is plugged into which hole in the focal-plane plate). That email contained the following summary and introductory paragraphs of that email:
executive summary: If ever we needed to replace the fiber mapper
system, there is a simple system we could build that maps all of the
fibers with a single read of the science CCDs, obviating the need
for a fiber-mapping hardware system that is independent of the science
camera, and obviating the need for a large part of our cross-system
meta-data maintenance. The system works by projecting non-degenerate
patterns—a different one for each of a set of optical wavelengths—on
the focal plane. The set of wavelengths "seen" down each fiber is
then a unique (invertible) function of position.
historical note: On January 17th, at the memorial for Sam Roweis here
in New York, Finkbeiner (Harvard), Eisenstein (Arizona), Lang
(Princeton), Hogg (NYU), and Mierle (Google) had a late-night
conversation about spectroscopy in which Mierle (engineer, worked on
astrometry.net data structures and worlds-fastest kd tree) asked how
the SDSS spectrographs work. After a few minutes of introduction,
Finkbeiner challenged him with the fiber-mapping question and Mierle
produced this idea, more-or-less. What I say below is based on
refinements of the idea that happened around the table that night and
in conversations after. I am sorry to be so slow to transmit this to
the collaboration, but I guess since we have a working fiber-mapper,
this is not urgent!
[Detailed proposals follow this in the email but are too boring to repeat here; email me if you want the full text.]