
Python, Gaia, and the disk

I spent the morning pair-coding a simple stellar phase-space distribution modeling code with Rix, and the afternoon solo-coding the likelihood functions for my one-dimensional dynamics code. In both cases, the attempt is to have the code benefit strongly from the things Python can do for us.

In the afternoon, I had a fruitful conversations with Coryn Bailer-Jones (MPIA) about the internals and outputs of the Gaia pipelines for stellar parameter estimation and source classification. For the former, we are discussing three-dimensional models of the Milky Way, and for the latter we are working out methods that make use of discrete models.

I also spoke with Glenn van de Ven (MPIA) about what's been done in one-dimensional dynamical modeling, and Bovy sent Rix and me some beautiful plots of the Milky Way structural parameters as a function of stellar chemical abundances.

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