After statistics school with Jeremy Tinker (NYU) on bootstrap, jackknife, and covariances, and after an arXiv coffee in which Foreman-Mackey summarized the (excellent) recent paper by Dressing & Charbonneau, and after a great astro seminar by Kathryn Johnston (Columbia) in which she showed that we can find shells around the Milky Way, both in position and velocity, and after a long discussion with Johnston and Price-Whelan and Foreman-Mackey about how we should make probabilistic comparisons between theory and observations in kinematic studies of the Milky Way and its substructure, Fadely and I finished and submitted our HST Archival Calibration proposal. I love my job, and I love Fridays at the NYU CCPP! Fadely made a really useful figure for the proposal today, which also involved doing an all-new toy inference. Clutch play!
Good luck with your proposal! I hope that sequestration's effects on NASA grants & contracts don't get in the way.