
mapping the image plane of a spectrograph

I had a phone conversation about wavelength-calibrating the multi-object APOGEE instrument with Karlo de Leon (NYU) today. He has arc images from each night, and line lists for the arc lamps. But before even using the arc lamps, I recommended that he try to find a model for the 2D images that is an outer product of 1D functions: One is the intensity as a function of wavelength from the arc lamp, and the other is the intensity as a function of slit position from the fibers on the slithead.

The thing we realized in the call is that the coordinate system is right when the image is well described as the outer product of these two functions, warped according to that coordinate system! Okay that's nice, now what will the residuals look like? One issue is that there are cosmic rays, hot pixels, and so on. Another issue is that there will be some vignetting that violates the strict outer-product model. We'll address these issues once we get close.

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