
planets forming in a disk

At the end of last week I had a great conversation with Valentina Tardugno (NYU) and Phil Armitage (Flatiron) about how planets form. I spent the whole weekend thinking about it: If a few planets are forming in a proto-planetary disk, there are all sorts of interactions between the planets and the disk, and the planets and each other, and the disk with itself. You can think of this (at least) two different ways:

You can think of planets which are interacting not just directly with one another, but also with a disk, and with each other as mediated by that disk. This is the planet-centric view. In this view, the planets are what you are tracking, and the disk is a latent object that makes the planets interact and evolve.

Alternatively, you can think of the disk, with planets in it. In this disk-centric view, the planets are latent objects that modify the disk, creating gaps and spiral waves.

Both views are legitimate, and both have interesting science questions. We will explore and see where to work. I am partial to the planet-centric view: I want to know where planetary systems come from!

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